YC610 Steel Types and Type Holders

  • YC610 Steel Type and Type Holders
  • YC610 Steel Type and Type Holders
US$: 295.68
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  • Each set packed in a red plastic case.
  • Kit includes: Type Holder-one pc; hexagon wrench- one pc; Steel types*100pcs(52 individual pcs of type letters A thru Z (two each A~Z); 37 individual pcs of numbers 0 thru 8(four each 0~8, five 6, the 6 is used as 9); one “&”, two slash"/";two dash"-"; and six blank spaces)
  • The holder can accommodate 10 pieces of our steel types.
  • Type Holder Material: S45C
  • Steel Type Material: CR-V(6150)
ITEM NO. Character Size(H)
Metric Imperial
YC610B- 3.0mm (1/8")
YC610B- 5.0mm (3/16")
YC610B- 6.0mm (1/4")